Hotswapping Java code

Hotswapping Java code is a technique that can save a lot of down time for programmers when you’re working with web applications that take forever to start up. ...
Hotswapping Java code

Portfolio: OpenCms - Magnolia - Escenic

For some years now, I specialized in Magnolia CMS, OpenCms and escenic. I started programming when I was 8. Later I have worked on client-side and server-side applications, being responsible for business logic, data binding and GUI, which I equally feel at home with. ...
Portfolio: OpenCms - Magnolia - Escenic

Magnolia (CMS) - batch import XML-files into JCR

The importer of the jcr-tools is very limited. You can only import one file at time. Once you have uploaded a file, you also need to select the corresponding workspace. With many files to import regulary this can be quite tedious. That's why I wrote a quick and dirty groovy script. ...
Magnolia (CMS) - batch import XML-files into JCR

Magnolia (CMS) - always show edit bars

My client wanted all edit bars to be visible at all time and not only when having the focus, similar to how it was in 4.4. There is a simple solution for this. Simply add the following to your style sheet: .mgnlEditorBar{display: block ! ...